Friday, March 17, 2006

Dave Roever

Mar 18 (Sat) @ 6pm: Dave Roever Will be speaking at Radiant Church. 4020 Maizeland Rd. He is the guy that survived being burned in Vietnam. He has an incredible testimony.
Wade is going - anyone else want to go?


Blogger Wade said...

Wow - it was awesome. I was thinking about him this morning, and about how he said that "God trusted me with these scars" - meaning that while God could have stopped it from happening, God didn't, but for the purpose of Dave using those scars to minister to others.

As I was thinking about that this morning, I ralized that indeed, "scars minister best to scars." And becuase Jesus died on the cross for us, he is able to minister to us becasue of his scars.

ANd as each one of us deals with the scars in our own lives - we will be that much more able to minster to others....

Pretty cool.

3/19/2006 5:30 PM  
Blogger RobMcFarren said...

Yes, the Dave was great. I really did enjoy his speech on Sat. evening. What a testimony to faith in face of trials--and also of how to be fully aware of the goal that Christ has for a man. His work with burn-victim Soldiers, with the military, is amazing...

3/21/2006 11:12 AM  

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