Friday, March 17, 2006

Pool and Prayer on Thursdays

I'm fairly sure Wade will never feel like a whole person again unless I write this blog so it is in the best interest of our friend and the ministry that you read this story and the moral that comes at the end.

It was a wonderful thursday afternoon and two beaver friends Nade and Wathan decided to challenge their lemur friends Eryon and Bvangelos to a friendly game of tiddly winks. The lemurs were winning most of the game and, if you could relate tiddly winks to pool, you could say the lemurs only had two balls including the eight ball to get in before they won as opposed to the beavers who had seven balls including the eight ball to get in. Needless to say Nade and Wathan were being completely destroyed at this friendly game of tiddly winks.

The game went on for ages (or atleast 30 minutes) with no hope in sight for the desperate beavers. Suddenly, though, the winds of change began blowing their changy air about. Soon the game was tied and before you could resite the Bill of Rights Nade and Wathan had stomped Eryon and Bvangelos. And by stomped and mean masacred, completely destroyed, connquered in the most extreme way possible.

There are 2 morals to this story:
1) Never try and mix Bryan and Evangelos the names just don't work together
2) Don't miss out on another session of pool in the pub at UCCS at 1 o'clock on thursdays or else there could be some unfortunate logging accidents near your house.

Oh and there's something else wierd before pool like talking to our divine creator in a large group just like the Bible tells us to do...or something like that. You can meet us for that at 12:15 on the third floor of the university center on thursdays.

I hope the rest of your day isn't nearly as confuzing as this blog,


Blogger Wade said...

Beautiful. Really, really beautiful. In fact, I cried. I just couldn't help it. I was just - well, you know. I was just laughing so hard I couldn't help but to tear up a bit.

Thanks so much for sharing, Wathan. (I mean, Nathan!) I was really touched, and I think that your lessons to learn were right on. In fact, I for one will be there next Thursday.

3/17/2006 11:52 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Hey, wait a minute, wasn't it a game between Wathan and Nade, and Bndrew and Aryon? (or was that that other game? I forget, ohwell... :P)
I would second that second moral, its probably the best moral you could get out of it... :D

3/19/2006 4:50 PM  

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