Friday, March 17, 2006

Dave Roever

Mar 18 (Sat) @ 6pm: Dave Roever Will be speaking at Radiant Church. 4020 Maizeland Rd. He is the guy that survived being burned in Vietnam. He has an incredible testimony.
Wade is going - anyone else want to go?

Pool and Prayer on Thursdays

I'm fairly sure Wade will never feel like a whole person again unless I write this blog so it is in the best interest of our friend and the ministry that you read this story and the moral that comes at the end.

It was a wonderful thursday afternoon and two beaver friends Nade and Wathan decided to challenge their lemur friends Eryon and Bvangelos to a friendly game of tiddly winks. The lemurs were winning most of the game and, if you could relate tiddly winks to pool, you could say the lemurs only had two balls including the eight ball to get in before they won as opposed to the beavers who had seven balls including the eight ball to get in. Needless to say Nade and Wathan were being completely destroyed at this friendly game of tiddly winks.

The game went on for ages (or atleast 30 minutes) with no hope in sight for the desperate beavers. Suddenly, though, the winds of change began blowing their changy air about. Soon the game was tied and before you could resite the Bill of Rights Nade and Wathan had stomped Eryon and Bvangelos. And by stomped and mean masacred, completely destroyed, connquered in the most extreme way possible.

There are 2 morals to this story:
1) Never try and mix Bryan and Evangelos the names just don't work together
2) Don't miss out on another session of pool in the pub at UCCS at 1 o'clock on thursdays or else there could be some unfortunate logging accidents near your house.

Oh and there's something else wierd before pool like talking to our divine creator in a large group just like the Bible tells us to do...or something like that. You can meet us for that at 12:15 on the third floor of the university center on thursdays.

I hope the rest of your day isn't nearly as confuzing as this blog,

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

ONE - #4

ONE: navigating the world of dating and relationships - #4: Don’t Mess With the Bull

Our ultimate goal is to ______________ God.

Gods idea: You are ________ your own. (Eph 4:1) Cosmo’s idea: It’s all about __________

“Sin will take you farther than you want to ________, keep you longer than you want to _________, and cost you more than you want to __________.”

Explain the Law of Diminishing Returns….

The two options if things are going too far.
1) Get ______________ ! But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. ~1 Cor 7:9

2) Develop self-control and ___________ . It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; ~ I Thes 4:3

Points to ponder…
If you can’t develop self-control within the relationship, we need to ________ ________.

If you find self-control difficult as a ____________ person, how will it be different when you are ________________ ?

How about your partner? If they can’t control themselves now, how will they control themselves after ____________?

What’s the prerequisite for the ability to love?

Guidelines for success.
1) Don’t make provisions for ___________________ . Ro 13:14

2) Good things happen when the ______________ are right. Ps 16:6

What do I do?
First - _______________ what legitimate need you are meeting in an illegitimate way.

Second - Come to the _________ of yourself. (Lk 15)

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! ~2 Cor 5:17

Spiritual Disciplines Retreat

March 27-31

• Day 1 – Leave Colo Spgs at 8am. Travel to Sand Dunes. Setup camp, dinner crew cooks, and evening discussion on gospel of grace along with dividing group into Methodist Examen groups for daily time together over coming days, these groups will also rotate through cooking/cleaning responsibilities.
• Day 2 – Awaken at 6 a.m. Group Examens. Breakfast. Teaching on Retreat of Silence to include Examen; Meditation on Scripture; Silence. Lunch. Afternoon Retreat of Silence for 4 hours following lunch (on the Dunes) until dinner. Dinner. Group processing of ROS and singing.
• Day 3 – Awaken at 6 a.m. Group Examens. Breakfast. Teaching on Fasting and Study. Fasting through Lunch with Afternoon ROS until Dinner. Dinner. Group worship and Teaching on Reading God's Word & Lectio Divina Prayer with practicum time.
• Day 4 – Awaken at 6 a.m. Group Examens. Breakfast. Teaching on Praying the Psalms with practicum. Lunch. Afternoon Off (@Waterfall) . Dinner. Group Reflection and encouragement.
• Day 5 – Awaken at 6 a.m. Group Examens. Breakfast. Break Camp. Return home.

Cost $100. (Or $20/day if you want to come Monday and leave whenever.) This covers all expenses, and we hope to have some extra to refund to you.

I need to have commitments and money by next Tuesday - March 21.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Amy's Baptism!

Congratulations to Amy on being baptized on March 11th!! Yes! As if getting baptized is not memorable enough, they had to step off of an iceberg into the water! This will be something that we will never forget!

Check out the rest of the pictures at

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

ONE - #3

ONE: navigating the world of dating and relationships - Lesson 3: The One.

Presupposition: Relationships are successful only when an ______________ of God is ____________ in our hearts. When Christ is the ________ of our lives, then we are ready.

Questions to ask to see if this person might be “the one.”

1) Are we in the same orbit?
Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 2 Cor 6:14

2) What’s love got to do with it?
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her Eph 5:25

3) What do my parents think?
"Honor your father and mother"--which is the first commandment with a promise--
"that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." Eph 6:2-3

4) What do my friends think?
Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. Prov 15:22

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

ONE - #2

ONE: navigating the world of dating and relationships -
Lesson 2: what are u looking 4?

Take a moment to describe the perfect date…..

How do we lower our “expectations” without lowering our “standards?”

If the “hotness meter” is not the right tool, then what is???

From Proverbs 31, which character traits do you find to be the most important?

What conclusion does Pr 31 leave us with in regards to the “hotness meter?”

You will attract who you _____. You will marry who you _____.

Girls: What does how you dress communicate about you?

Guys: What does your desperation communicate about you?

In marriage, one + one = _______. (The more whole each one is, the more whole the relationship is going to be.)

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. –Mt 6:33

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; -Pr 3:5

Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. -Ps 37:3,4

If we seek, rely, trust – we will come to _______ in the Lord.

As we delight in the Lord, his desires will become our desires. Then he will be able to give us the ____________ of our heart.

What are you looking for? What are your expectations? Who are you? What are you attracting?

What God wants for us is to be satisfied with him first.