Super De Dooper Bowl
Hey everybody if anyone is interested in a good ol' fashioned Super Bowl party then come on over to my house februrary 5 at around 4-4:30 (that's the time wade said anyway). Please bring any and all types of food that is suitable for such an occasion. You know chips, dip, hot wings, soda, huge sub sandwiches, nachos, chili, tail weenies, candy, know the usual. Post any questions you have here and I'll try to pretend like I have a reasonable answer.
Directions to Nathan's House:
From union and academy: go north on union past vickers the next light is downhill, take a left on downhill it will run straight into marron bells take another left onto maroon bells and then take the second right onto Mach 1 dr. The adress is 6145 Mach 1 dr it's the yellow and green house with the ugly fisher price mail box out front.
Can I bring Socrates? He wants to talk to you.
I'm not sure, we are running low on air fresheners and scented candles.
Then it's set...he's already sharpening his claws. Which team are you rooting for, anyway?
hey hey hey I am very offended by that and I'll say right now I'm going for the steelers and not just because you going for the seahawks but because their the team representing the AFC...did I sound like I knew something about football? I really tried hard.
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