Monday, January 02, 2006

Kairos Reminder: January 3rd at Rob's place. Need help, give me a call. We will be discussing the New Year. In particular--bring any resolutions you may have made, and thoughts on how you can keep them. The couple of posts (on this page and also on my blog) that talk about how we keep ourselves focused on God will be involved.

Basically, my hope is a renewal of our minds through the Holy Spirit as we enter the year 2006. Because the only waste is if at the beginning of 2007 we are at the same point in our walk with God as we are today.


Blogger barry-eh said...

I have a new years resolution. Everyday I'm going to ask myself (and get others to ask me) the quesiton, "What did you have for breafast?" Its a code question meaning: What spiritual nourishment did you have today?

1/03/2006 8:27 AM  
Blogger Wade said...

Wade and Dara have a New Year's resolution - to make this year the best year of our marriage.

As we made that resolution, we realized that we needed a plan to make it happen. So, we are committing to spend time together every day, just talking. We are shooting for 30 minutes a day of time with just the two of us.

I think resolutions are great things. But to make them happen, you need three things.
1) A resolution.
2) A plan to carry it out.

1/03/2006 8:53 AM  

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