Thursday, January 05, 2006

Mission Trip Review at Littleton Church of Christ

Hey all. Just got a message from Wade, and Bill and company are doing a Missions Trip review at their church this coming Sunday during evening services. They would like anyone who wants to come on up to do so. I talked to Bill this morning and here are the details:

5 pm meet up at Littleton Church of Christ
5:30 pm give the review to the congregation (maybe 100 people or less)
Follow up by going to Bill's house for pizza and a little party.
We are to wear the Yellow Missions Shirts for the evening!

Also--I thought it would be neat if everyone could bring their pics on a CD or digits or whatever--so we can cross-level them between ourselves!

I will plan on going--I get back into Denver at 4 pm. Anyone else interested--let me know and we can coordinate a way up there. It should be pretty fun--and we can meet up with Bill, Glenn, Chip, Walt, Gene, Kevin, Mark and everyone else again, too!


Blogger Nathan said...

I have to try and trade times with someone at work but if that works I'd be all in.

1/05/2006 11:36 AM  
Blogger Nathan said...

alright I got out of work so I am now good to go

1/06/2006 10:44 AM  

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