Thursday, October 27, 2005


We had a fantastic time learning about LISTENING TO GOD, and then actually experimented with it! Wow – to think that God might have something to say to ME!?!

We learned that the Lord speaks to us in ways we often miss. He has many ways of speaking, including through the Bible, prayer, circumstances, spiritual gifts, common sense wisdom, conviction, His character, His peace, natural things, and even in times of silence.

Our homework assignment was to read John 12:1-21 and spend some time listening to what God might have to say to you through those verses. Please post your thoughts, whatever God might have said to you!


We made it through Ecc 5:1-7! Way to go for those of you who did it all, and thanks for the effort to those of you who got some verses here and there! (And thanks to Meagan for the idea!)

Now, are we going to forget the verses? I hope not. Here's my plan...

Repeat all 7 verses every day for 2 weeks.
Then repeat the verses once a week for 2 years.

I am pretty sure they will be "locked in" my mind after that!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

SlingShot57 concert

Kevin Andler wanted me to let all you guys and gals out there know that the youth is having the band Slingshot57 come and do a concert at Sunnyside.

Where: Sunnyside Christian Church
When: This Sunday (the 23rd) at 6:30 but doors open at 6:00
Cost: $3 at the door pizza will be available for cheap (about $.50)

If you have anymore questions call the church 596-1659, I don't know anything else this is just whats on the flyer Kevin gave me.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Hike before Bike

If anyone is interested in an easy hike on Saturday morning--here's the plan. Leave at approximately 7 am. (I am open to other meeting spots is not everyone wants to come to my apartment) Drive out and hike the Crags. There will be 5 flat landers (guys/gals from Kansas) that will be coming as well. If you have never done a hike, or do it all the time, we can have a fun time. We should be back easily before 1 pm (probably much sooner). Overall, it is about 4 miles of easy walking. Looks like it will be nice and cold. We will consolidate as many vehicles as possible as I am not sure how good the road is. But I'm sure it'll all work out. Let me know if you want to go--just post a comment!

Bike Ride

I'm going mountain biking this saturday just around palmer park so nothing to hard because I'm a wimp. If you want to come just meet me at the main parking lot of palmer park (the one right off of academy) at about 4:15 and we'll have a joyous time of grunting and burping and doing other manly things.

Wade is that all I needed to put? Did I do good?

Oh yeah and if you do plan on going please leave a comment or email me ( or any of that fun stuff just so I know to watch for people and don't just go on my lonesome.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

How to Meditate on God's Word

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
-Author Unknown

We have all heard the expression, "you are what you eat", but is also true to say "you are (and are becoming) what you think." What things do you spend your time thinking about?

Meditate: to engage in contemplation or reflection, to focus one's thoughts on: reflect or ponder over. to plan or project in the mind

Meditation is a function of the mind and the heart. It is what we think about in our hearts and it is something we each do every day. Whether we realize it or not, we all spend a large portion of our time in some form of meditation. The thing is, what we meditate on may or may not be worth while. In fact, what we habitually think about is frequently unhealthy for our growth as Christians. Often it is simply sinful.

First, we must become consciously aware of what we spend our time meditating on now. When you catch yourself meditating on something undesirable, renounce it and cast it away. Imagine yourself throwing it to the ground and stepping on it to kill it. Then immediately choose to replace the thought with a good one, such as a prayer, a memorized scripture or song. Do not be discouraged if you find yourself thinking about that same thing only a minute or two later. Simply recognize sin as sin, renounce it again and choose to replace the thought with something worthwhile.

Whether your realize it or not, your character is being formed and solidified with each passing day. This is true whether you plan through what you want to be or if you just let life happen. Some of the most powerful influences on the development of your character come from the following sources:

What you read
What you look at
What you listen to
The people you associate with
What you think about

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. (Col 3:1-3)

Meditation as a lifestyle (How do I meditate on God's word?)

Meditation on the things of God yields wisdom and purity. It yields spiritual maturity and communion with God. Here are a few of the things we can meditate on.

The things God has done for me and others I know.
The holiness and perfection of God.
The Beauty of Christ
Our meeting with God after our life here is complete
Our eternal fellowship which we will have with Him
The meaning/application of any specific passage of scripture.
Anything God has just taught us or made us aware of
Questions regarding the will of God.
The salvation he has given us
The life he has freed us from
Other ideas?????????

You see, much of this is reflection on the relationship we have with God, it is thinking about His love and influence in your life, it is wondering about His awesome power and mighty deeds. It is joyfully giving thanks to Him for all he has done. It is sitting in awe and appreciation of his works. It is using all your energy to understand and obey his word. Just as your digestive system processes the food you eat so it can be of use to your body, so also meditation digests all things concerning God and makes them a power which can renew your heart.

All of the above comes from

Please leave a comment with your thoughts and experiences about meditating…..