Wednesday, November 16, 2005

This We Believe - Round 1

For the next while we will be using Kairos to examine...

aWhat do we believe?
aWhy do we believe it?
aHow do we explain it to others?

We started off the evening (Nov 15) asking the question, "Does my life have meaning?"

Check out this link to learn about a life of no meaning...

We found that meaning comes in this form, through Wonder, Truth, Love, and Security. Then we concluded that meaning is found in each of these areas through Jesus Christ.

Jesus: “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” -John 10:10
People who came to Jesus drew life and joy from him. He gave life meaning.

Then we had some fun asking what people believed, and why they believed it.

Responses included, "Because the Bible says so," "Because that's how I was brought up," "Because of my experiences," and "Because there are no better options."

While these are not wrong answers, we realised that people from different belief systems use these same answers to explain why they believe in their own faiths. If we all use the same answers to explain what we believe, then how is Christianity different?

Conclusion? Fulfilled Prophecy!!! Only God knows the future, therefore only God can reveal the future to man. Check out this link if you want to learn more:

We finally concluded with the question, What makes Jesus so Different??

The obvious answer is that Jesus Christ claimed to be God, and also to be the only way to God. It's a pretty exclusive claim, but the good news is that the offer is open for all to come to God through him.

So, the starting point of faith rests in your answer to the question, Who is Jesus?

Next week we will deal with possible explanations for Jesus' claim to be the "Son of God."

PS - Please add your thoughts of Psalm 40:1-3 as a comment on this post!


Blogger Wade said...

1 I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.
2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.
3 He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD.
Psalms 40:1-3 (NIV)

11/16/2005 12:11 PM  
Blogger Wade said...

In the quicksand,
Where is dry land?

My own efforts sink me lower,
Till I stop and trust his power.

He rescued me
for all to see.

I will praise Him,
that all may fear Him.


11/16/2005 12:12 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Dirty, I stood waiting,
Within me, my heart was fading,

Yet I see a glimmer of light,
You have turned your face to me,
You're blinding me you are so bright,

I am rising, upwards and out,
away from the mud and grime,
that the world likes to flout,

I find myself on the rock,
To your Grace I flock.

You changed my tune,
now I float like a balloon.

11/17/2005 1:08 PM  

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